Welkom / Welcome

Welkom by die nuwe Afrikaanse webtuiste vir Alette Wessels Kunskamer. Ons hoop u geniet die kuiertjie hier by ons en wil u graag uitnooi om ons te kontak indien ons enigsins behulpsaam kan wees.

U kan ook inteken op ons webtuiste publikasies via ons RSS nuuskanaal, of u kan by ons aansluit op sosiale netwerke soos Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn en verskeie ander. Ons is die meeste aktief op Facebook.


  1. Ou Meesters.
  2. Kontemporêre kuns.


  1. Leer meer omtrent ons.
  2. Leer meer oor Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars.
  3. Kry die nuutste nuus en aankondigings.

Vertel gerus u vriende van ons indien u van ons uitstallings en dienste hou.

Beste wense

Alette Wessels


Welcome to the new website of Pretoria Kunskamer (Previously the Alette Wessels Kunskamer). We hope you enjoy your visit to our site and like to invite you to contact us if you need assistance.

You can also subscribe to our website publications via our RSS nuusfeed, or you can join us on social networks like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and several other. We are most active on Facebook.


  1. Old Masters.
  2. Contemporary art.


  1. Learn more about us.
  2. Learn more about South African artists.
  3. Get the latest news and announcements.

Please tell your friends about us if you like our exhibitions and services.

Best regards

Alette Wessels


Verwante Plasings / Related Posts

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