Stefan Rossouw by Pretoria Kunskamer op Saterdag 20 Februarie 2016
AANKONDIGING – Die begaafde kunstenaar STEFAN ROSSOUW, besoek Saterdag 20 Februarie 2016, van 10h00 tot 13h00 Pretoria Kunskamer.
Kom ontmoet Stefan en gesels oor sy kuns en opwindende projekte! Van sy kunswerke word ook te koop aangebied.

Artist MIES will be at Pretoria Kunskamer on Monday
ANNOUNCEMENT – Artist MIES will be at Pretoria Kunskamer on Monday 14 December 2015 from 11h00 to 15h00.
Come meet her in person and see this accomplished artist in action – painting with her unique technique – a credit card!
Aankondiging | Announcement
Ons galery sal gesluit wees vanaf 15 Desember 2015 tot 11 Januarie 2016. Kontak gerus Alette of een van ons agente vir ‘n afspraak gedurende die tydperk wat die galery gesluit is.
Our gallery will be closed from 15 December 2015 till 11 January 2016. Alette or one of our agents may be contacted for an appointment during the time that the gallery will be closed.

Radio interview Tuesday evening 20h00 on RSG-Kuns
LISTEN Tuesday evening 20h00 on RSG-Kuns (100-104mhz)
Christelle Webb-Joubert interviews André Peypers. Hear about his exhibition at Pretoria Kunskamer this Saturday 11 July @ 11h00, to be opened by Derrich Gardner.
A Solo Exhibition of paintings by André Peypers
Alette Wessels, Director of Pretoria Kunskamer, invites you to
Wildlife in Retrospect
A Solo Exhibition of paintings by
André Peypers
11 July 2015 @ 11h00 – 14h00
Preview Thursday 9 July 18h00 – 20h00
Closing date 29 July
(former Alette Wessels Kunskamer)
Forbes Reef House
LG-2, 29 Forbes Reef Street, Waterkloof Heights, Pretoria
Mon – Fri: 09h00 – 16h00, Sat: 09h00 – 13h00,
Closed public holidays & Sundays
Enquiries Tel: 012 346 0728
[email protected]